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Help with our website

Supported browsers

Our websites are designed to work with modern browsers (the software that displays web content on your device).

Up-to-date browser versions provide better security for users, display websites correctly and support features which enhance user experience.

The UK's National Cyber Security Centre provides advice to individuals and organisations on staying secure online.

Website login

You can log in to the IET website by following the link at top right of each page in the site.

Please note that we have recently launched a new single sign-on (SSO) service for our websites. Users with an existing login account will need to migrate their account to the new service before logging in, by following the link in the login page (you will only need to do this once).  

Once you have successfully logged in, your name and a link to "Your IET account" (MyIET) will be displayed in the top bar.

Problems with logging in?

New single sign-on (SSO) service launched June 2019

If you encounter problems logging in, please ensure that you are using a modern browser and that your browser is set to accept session cookies before attempting to log in again. 

If you are still unable to log in, please contact us and include a description of the problem.

Website registration

You will need to register on the website to access certain content, or to post in our discussion forums.

MyIET / profile / email alias help

When logged in you can view/change the following in MyIET: contact details, password, transaction history, membership, communications preferences (including email newsletters), and local networks.

Also, see our profile help (FAQs) and email alias (closure FAQs) help.

Frequently asked questions

See all the FAQs relating to our website by visiting our FAQs page.